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chinese herbal medicine

 The RCHM states in it code of ethics that “Herbal Practitioners

must always be aware of the necessity to communicate with

other health care professionals directly or indirectly when the

expertise of such professionals fits more properly the needs of a

particular patient”

RCHM members will therefore not discourage essential medical

treatment for conditions where western medical supervision or

advice should be sought. They will always advise patients in

the case of serious illnesses or uncertain diagnosis to seek advice

and treatment from their GP/Consultant. RCHM members will

also, with patient consent, liaise with the patients other health

professional where appropriate when offering complementary


The RCHM believes that Chinese Herbal Medicine has

a role to play in the treatment of the following conditions.

Skin diseases - eczema, psoriasis, acne, rosacea, urticaria

Gastrointestinal disorders - IBS, constipation, colitis

Gynaecological conditions - PMT, dysmenorroea, endometriosis,


Respiratory conditions - asthma, bronchitis, chronic coughs,


Rheumatological conditions - osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis

Urinary conditions - cystitis

Psychological problems - anxiety and depression

Chinese Herbal Medicine is one of the great herbal systems of the world with an unbroken tradition going back to the 3rd century BC. Yet throughout its history it has continually developed in response to changing clinical conditions and has been sustained by research into every aspect of its use.

Chinese medical theory aims to understand and treat the many ways in which the fundamental balance and harmony within the body may be depleted or blocked. Clinical strategies are based on diagnosis of patterns of signs and symptoms that reflect an imbalance.

However the tradition as a whole places great emphasis on lifestyle management in order to prevent disease before it occurs.

What are herbs like to take?

People in the west have become less used to the subtle differences

in tastes. Taste has an important therapeutic effect

eg. bitter taste helps to clear heat

you will likely find the taste strange and perhaps even unpleasant 

at first but as your condition changes you will find you get used to the


You can choose to use tinctures or granules so

that you do not need to boil up bags of loose herbs. They are

simple and easy to take and come form a RCHM approved supplier.

You may only have to take herbs for a short time or you can take

them for a few months for more chronic conditions.

The herbal prescription is tailor made to your individual needs

which is why they can only be prescribed after a consultation.

What is Chinese Herbal Medicine Good at Treating?

It can be used to treat anything from a minor cold where you would use a prescription called Gui Zhi Tang containing 

Cinnamon and Ginger for a few days to more complex prescriptions with deeper effects for the treatment of more chronic complaints .

Some Chinese Herbal Medicine overlaps with what you may already have in your kitchen and that is its beauty in that it can be very simple and also be something that you can integrate into your cooking once you know how.

When treating other conditions such as infertility there are many Chinese herbs which have been tried and tested for their effectiveness such as Hu Po ,Shu di Huang and Dang Gui.

During the covid 19 Pandemic it has been found that certain herbal prescriptions can be used to keep the immune system strong and healthy


Chinese Herbal medicine is particularly effective in the treatment of infertility and gynaecological problems which is something that I have particular interest in treating

Register of Chinese Herbal Medicine
Herbal standards
raw herbs

"This has had a hugely positive effect on my mental state and the quality of my life has dramatically improved."

- Nick Godsall

Company name: Wellness Centre Dumfries Limited                                                                      Company Number: SC601280

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