Officially we move into spring on 1st March and it is lovely to see some colour in the hedgerows and new growth apprearing.
In Chinese Medicine Spring is the time when the "Wood " energy rises and it is a time of year when Acupuncture practitioners recommend a re-balance to help us move from one season to another. Facial revitalisation Acupuncture is an ideal treatment for post - winter
tired looking skin and is a real "pick me up " after a long winter.

At Wellness Centre Dumfries we are very pleased to wellcome Joe Biggans who will be consulting on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays in the cosy downstairs room in the centre.
Joe specialises in Hypnotherapy and he is very interested in helping people deal with Anxiety and has a special interest in helping with Chronic Pain.
See for more information or e mail Joe at or tel 07946 268858
The lovely downstairs studio space is also available for hire It is suitable for small group classes or workshops or exhibitions/ meetings. For information email